
yasc.scorecard.woebinplot(data, stacked=False, grouped=True, width=0.2, loc1='best', loc2='best', **kwargs)

Visulize the binning.


A data frame describing the binning of certain predictor.

stackedbool, optional

Whether to make a stacked bar plot, by default False

groupedbool, optional

Whether to make a grouped bar plot, by default True

widthfloat, optional

The width of bar, by default 0.2

loc1str, optional

Specify how to put legend in left subplot, by default “best”

loc2str, optional

Specify how to put legend in right subplot, by default “best”


The result figure.


The axes object with the left subplot drawn onto it.


The axes object with the right subplot drawn onto it.


Make a stacked bar plot of the binning result.

>>> from yasc.data import german_data
>>> from yasc.scorecard import mono_bin
>>> from yasc.scorecard.util import woebinplot
>>> data = german_data()
>>> bin_stat = mono_bin(data.Creditability, data.DurationInMonth, duplicates='drop')
>>> woebinplot(bin_stat, stacked=True, figsize=(8, 6), loc2="lower center")

Make a grouped bar plot of the binning result.

>>> from yasc.data import german_data
>>> from yasc.scorecard import mono_bin
>>> from yasc.scorecard.util import woebinplot
>>> data = german_data()
>>> bin_stat = mono_bin(data.Creditability, data.DurationInMonth, duplicates='drop')
>>> woebinplot(bin_stat, figsize=(8, 6), loc2="lower center")